The Review of Income and Wealth

Journal of the International Association
for Research in Income and Wealth
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Table of Contents - 1984, Series 30
Bruno S. Frey and Werner W. Pommerehne
The hidden economy: state and prospects for measurement  (427Kb)
Bent Hansen and Edward F. Lucas
On the accuracy of index numbers  (229Kb)
John H. Gates
Human capital investment in health: a measurement framework and estimates for the United States, 1952-78  (232Kb)
H. Krijnse Locker and H. D. Faerber
Space and time comparisons of purchasing power parities and real values  (421Kb)
Martin Weale
Quantity and price effects in an analysis of world trade based on an accounting matrix  (440Kb)
Irma Adelman and Amnon Levy
Notes: Decomposing Theil's index of income inequality into between and within components  (56Kb)
Announcements  (22Kb)123
T. P. Hill
Introduction: the Special Conference on Purchasing Power Parities  (146Kb)
H. Krijnse Locker
On estimation of purchasing power parities on the basic heading level  (262Kb)
G. Szilagyi
Updating procedures of international comparison results  (194Kb)
A. Franz and R. Schwartzl
ICP 1980: A brief account from Austria  (228Kb)
S. H. Khamis
On aggregation methods for international comparisons  (376Kb)
R. Summers and A. Heston
Improved international comparisons of real product and its composition, 1950-80  (918Kb)
Raymond W. Goldsmith
An estimate of the size and structure of the national product of the Early Roman Empire  (581Kb)
Franz Hahn and Ingo Schmoranz
Estimates of capital stock by industries for Austria  (271Kb)
J. R. Norsworthy
Growth accounting and productivity measurement  (309Kb)
Frank D. Martin, J. Steven Landefeld, and Janice Peskin
The value of services provided by the stock of government-owned fixed capital in the United States, 1948-79  (296Kb)
Frank A. Cowell
The structure of American income inequality  (406Kb)
P. L. Arya
Notes: Measuring economic growth—a critique of the views of Fell and Greenfield  (106Kb)
Preetom S. Sunga
An alternative to the current treatment of interest as transfer in the United Nations and Canadian systems of national accounts  (275Kb)
Annie Fouquet and Dominique Strauss-Kahn
The size distribution of personal wealth in France (1977)—A first attempt at the estate duty method  (208Kb)
James D. Smith
Trends in the concentration of personal wealth in the United States, 1958 to 1976  (167Kb)
Harry H. Postner
New developments towards resolving the company-establishment problem  (513Kb)
Terry Barker, Frederick van der Ploeg and Martin Weale
A balanced system of national accounts for the United Kingdom  (353Kb)
Michael R. Arnold
Notes: Clarification of Miller on capital aggregation in the presence of obsolescence-inducing technical change  (101Kb)
Announcements: Nineteenth General Conference of the I.A.R.I.W.—Preliminary Program  (60Kb)493
Announcements: International meeting on problems of compilation of input-output tables, Austria, 1985 498  (17Kb)498

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