The Review of Income and Wealth

Journal of the International Association
for Research in Income and Wealth
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Table of Contents - 1986, Series 32
Jean Marczewski
The Concept of Macroeconomic Cost and Its Utility  (341Kb)
Jan van Tongeren
Development of an Algorithm for the Compilation of National Accounts and Related Systems of Statistics  (350Kb)
R. W. Fergie
Statistical Units Standards and Central Register Systems: Keys to the Development of Economic Accounting  (317Kb)
U. P. Reich
Treatment of Government Activity on the Production Account  (255Kb)
Eugene Kroeh and Kriss Sjoblom
Education and the National Wealth of the United States  (328Kb)
I. Adelman and A. Levy
Notes: Decomposing Theil's Index of Income Inequality: A Reply  (30Kb)
Editor's Introduction and Summary of the Program  (120Kb)109
Sir Richard Stone, Odd Aukrust, Uma Datta, Roy Choudhury
Comments on the Overall Program  (148Kb)
C. A. van Bochove and H. K. van Tuinen
Papers on the Structure of SNA Flexibility in the Next SNA: The Case for an Institutional Core  (451Kb)
Andre Vanoli
Sur la structure generate du SCN, a partir de l'experience du systeme elargi de comptabilite national francais  (872Kb)
Heinrich Lutzel
Market Transactions in the National Accounts  (188Kb)
Nancy Ruggles
Comment  (64Kb)
Harry H. Postner
Microbusiness Accounting and Macroeconomic Accounting: Limits to Consistency  (454Kb)
Richard Ruggles and Nancy D. Ruggles
The Integration of Macro and Micro Data for the Household Sector  (456Kb)
Preetom S. Sunga and Janet L. Swinamer
Health Care Accounts—A Conceptual Framework and an Illustrative Example  (383Kb)
Gerrit Jan van's Eind, Hans van Fulpen, Evert Pommer and Leendert Ruitenberg
Evaluating the Distribution of Public Expenditure  (222Kb)
Christopher Clague
Short-Cut Estimates of Real Income  (288Kb)
Harold Lubell
Announcements: In Memoriam: Richard M. Barkay (1918-1985)  (17Kb)
International Association for Research in Income and Wealth: Financial Repon, 1985  (36Kb)335
ISI Section on Official Statistics / Luxembourg Income Study—LIS  (23Kb)336
Michael Wolfson
Stasis Atnid Change—Income Inequality in Canada 1965-1983  (413Kb)
Jean-Paul Milot and Pierre Teillet
Financial Operations and Monetary Statistics: Improved concordance in French national accounts  (245Kb)
Ann Chadeau and Caroline Roy
Relating Households' Final Consumption to Household Activities: Substitutability or complementarily between market and non-market production  (293Kb)
Bryan Haig
The Treatment of Interest and Financial Intermediaries in the National Accounts of Australia  (249Kb)
T. K. Rymes
Further Thoughts on the Banking Imputation in the National Accounts  (284Kb)
Barbara Boyle Torrey and Cynthia M. Taeuber
Notes: The Importance of Asset Income Among the Elderly  (118Kb)
Announcements: International Association for Research in Income and Wealth: Tentative Program, Twentieth General Conference  (129Kb)451

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