Table of Contents - 2016, Series 62 |
Volume 62, Issue 1, March 2016, Pages 1-206 |
Max Roser and Jesus Crespo Cuaresma Why is Income Inequality Increasing in the Developed World? | 1 |
Hannu Piekkola Intagible Investment and Market Valuation | 28 |
Louis Chauvel The Intensity and Shape of Inequality: The ABG Method of Distributional Analysis | 52 |
Kadir Atalay, Stephen Whelan and Judith Yates House Prices, Wealth and Consumption: New Evidence from Australia and Canada | 69 |
Deepak Sethia Regional Accounts of India: Methods, New Estimates and Their USes | 92 |
Ivica Urban Impact of Taxes and Benefits on Inequality Among Groups of Income Units | 120 |
Tufan Ekici and Mustafa Besim A Measure of the Shadow Economy in a Small Economy: Evidence from Household-Level Expenditure Patterns | 145 |
David Neumark and Jennifer Muz The "Business Climate" and Economic Inequality | 161 |
Ronald Bachmann, Peggy Bechara and Sandra Schaffner Wage Inequality and Wage Mobility in Europe | 182 |
Review of Joseph Fishkin's 'Bottlenecks: A New Theory of Equal Opportunity' | 198 |
Announcement: IARIW 34th General Conference, Dresden, Germany, August 21-27, 2016 | 206 |
Volume 62, Issue 2, June 2016, Pages 209-402 |
Pamela Katic and Andrew Leigh Top Wealth Shared in Australia 1915-2012 | 209 |
Sambit Bhattacharyya and Jeffrey G. Williamson Distributional Consequences of Commodity Price Shocks: Australia Over a Century | 223 |
Katharina Jenderny Mobility of Top Incomes in Germany | 245 |
Nicolas Herault and Francisco Azpitarte Understanding Changes in the Distribution and Redistribution of Income: A Unifying Decomposition Framework | 266 |
Thomas Niebel and Marianne Saam ICT and Growth: The Role of Rates of Return and Capital Prices | 283 |
Merike Kukk, Dmitry Kulikov and Karsten Staehr Estimating Consumption Responses to Income Shocks of Different Persisence Using Self-reported Income Measures | 311 |
Durfari Velandia Naranjo and Edwin van Gameren Precautionary Savings in Mexico: Evidence from the Mexican Health and Aging Study | 334 |
Gregory John Lee and Gareth Rees Give and Take Between Households and the State: Development and Application of a Benefaction-Contribution Ratio | 362 |
Theodore R. Breton and John J. Garcia ICP 2005 Construction Prices: Are They Underestimated in Developing Countries? | 380 |
Erik Figueiredo and Marcio P. Laurini Poverty Elasticity: A Note on a New Empirical Approach | 394 |
Announcement: IARIW 34th General Conference, Dresden, Germany, August 21-27, 2016 | 402 |
Volume 62, Issue 3, September 2016, Pages 405-602 |
Andrew E. Clark, Sarah Fleche and Claudia Senik Economic Growth Evens Out Hapiness: Evidence from Six Surveys | 405 |
Antonin Bergeaud, Gilbert Cette and Remy Lecat Productivity Trends in Advanced Countries Between 1890 and 2012 | 420 |
John V. Duca and Jason L. Saving Income Inequality and Political Polarization: Time Series Evidence Over Nine Decades | 445 |
Sarah Brown, Pulak Ghosh and Karl Taylor Household Finances and Social Interation: Bayesian Analysis of Household Panel Data | 467 |
G. C. Lim and Q. Zeng Consumption, Income, and Wealth: Evidence from Age, Cohort, and Period Elasticities | 489 |
Daniel Melser and Iqbal A. Syed Life Cycle Price Trendsand Product Replacement: Implications for the Measurement of Inflation | 509 |
Omar Aziz, Norman Gemmell and Athene Laws Income and Fiscal Incidence by Age and Gender: Some Evidence from New Zealand | 534 |
Christoffer Sonne-Schmidt, Finn Tarp and Lars Peter Osterdal Ordinal Bivariate Inequality: Concepts and Application to Child Deprivation in Mozambique | 559 |
Norman Maynard Long-run Growth Differences and the Neoclassical Growth Model | 574 |
Kenneth W. Clements, Jiawei Si and Thomas Simpson Understanding New Resource Projects | 584 |
Announcements: International Association for Research in Income and Wealth | 601 |
Volume 62, Issue 4, December 2016, Pages 605-807 |
Paul Eckerstorfer, Johannes Halak, Jakob Kapeller, Bernhard Schutz, Florian Springholz and Rafael Wildauer Correcting for the Missing Rich: An Application to Wealth Survey Data | 605 |
Marianna Brunetti, Elena Giarda and Costanza Torricelli Is Financial Fragility a Matter of Illiquidity? An Appraisal for Italian Households | 628 |
Daniel D. Schnitzlein A New Look at Intergenerational Mobility in Germany Compared to the U.S. | 650 |
Jooyeoun Suh and Nancy Folbre Valuing Unpaid Child Care in the U.S.: A Prototype Satellite Account Using the American Time Use Survey | 668 |
Caren Tempelman and Aenneli Houkes-Hommes What Stops Dutch Households from Taking Up Much Needed Benefits? | 685 |
Liana E. Fox Parental Wealth and the Black-White Mobility Gap in the U.S. | 706 |
Martin Junge, Battista Severgnini and Anders Sorensen Product-Marketing Innovation, Skills, and Firm Productivity Growth | 724 |
Inaki Permanyer Measuring Achievement and Shortfall Improvements in a Consistent Way | 758 |
Scott Farrow Residual Risk Accounting: A Pilot Study | 775 |
Guido Alfani Measuring Well-being in the Past | 785 |
Anne Hartung Back to the Future? The Awaited Tangible Roadmap for Reducing Inequality | 792 |
Report of the Editors | 799 |
Announcements: International Association for Research in Income and Wealth | 807 |
Volume 62, Issue Supplement S1, August 2016, Pages S1-S212 |
Branko Milanovic Introduction | S1 |
Veronica Amarante Income Inequality in Latin America: A Factor of Component Analysis | S4 |
Sean Higgins, Nora Lustig, Whitney Ruble and Timothy M. Smeeding Comparing the Incidence of Taxes and Social Spending in Brazil and the United States | S22 |
Carlos Villalobos Barria, Stephan Klasen and Sebastian Vollmer The DIstribution Dynamics of Human Development in Mexico 1990-2010 | S47 |
Paola Salardi The Evolution of Gender and Racial Occupational Segregation Across Formal and Non-formal Labor Markets in Brazil, 1987 to 2006 | S68 |
Carlos Gradin Race, Ethnicity, Immigration, and Living Conditions in Costa Rica | S90 |
Tasha Fairfield and Michel Jorratt De Luis Top Income Shares, Business Profits, and Effective Tax Rates in Contemporary Chile | S120 |
Mauricio Apablaza, Florent Bresson and Gaston Yalonetzky When More Does Not Necessarily Mean Better: Health-related Illfare Comparisons with Non-monotone Well-being Relationships | S145 |
Leonardo S. Oliveira, Debora F. De Souza, Luciana A. Dos Santos, Marta Antunes, Nicia C. H. Brendolin and Viviane C. C. Quintaes Construction of a Consumption Aggregate Based on Information from POF 2008-2009 and its Use in the Measurement of Welfare, Poverty, Inequality and Vulnerability of Families | S179 |
Announcements | S211 |