The Review of Income and Wealth

Journal of the International Association
for Research in Income and Wealth
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Table of Contents - 1997, Series 43
March 1997, Number 1
Rob Alessie, Annamaria Lusardi, and Trea Aldershof
Income and Wealth over the Life Cycle: Evidence from Panel Data  (492Kb)
Teresa Dabán, Rafael Doménech, and César Molinas
International and Intertemporal Comparisons of Real Product in OECD Countries: A Growth Sensitive Analysis  (302Kb)
Robert J. Hill
A Taxonomy of Multilateral Methods for Making International Comparisons of Price and Quantities  (360Kb)
Daniel B. Radner
Noncash Income, Equivalence Scales, and the Measurement of Economic Well-Being  (343Kb)
Sofia Ahlroth, Anders Björkland, and Anders Forslund
The Output of the Swedish Education Sector  (285Kb)
Panayiota Lyssiotou
Comparison of Alternative Tax and Transfer Treatment of Children Using Adult Equivalence Scales  (244Kb)
Albert Berry
Review Article: Poverty Policy in Latin America During the 1980s  (229Kb)
Announcement  (13Kb)131
June 1997, Number 2
David Johnson and Stephanie Shipp
Trends in Inequality Using Consumption-Expenditures: The U.S. from 1960 to 1993  (355Kb)
Richard V. Burkhauser, Joachim R. Frick, and Johannes Schwarze
A Comparison of Alternative Measures of Economic Well-Being for Germany and the United States  (327Kb)
Frits Bos
Value and Income in the National Accounts and Economic Theory  (293Kb)
Donald Cox, Emmanuel Jimenez, and Wlodek Okrasa
Family Safety Nets and Economic Transition: A Sturdy of Worker Households in Poland  (321Kb)
Björn Gustaffson and Li Shi
Types of Income and Inequality in China at the End of the 1980s  (263Kb)
Allison Kelly-Hawke
Sectoral Productivity Growth and Price-Marginal Cost Margins in the Intermediate Goods Market  (188Kb)
B. Essama-Nssah
Impact Growth and Distribution on Poverty in Madagascar  (237Kb)
Garnett Picot
Review Article: A Review of Job Creation and Destruction by S.J. Davis, J.C. Haltiwanger, and S. Schuh  (128Kb)
September 1997, Number 3
Cynthia Miller, Irwin Garfinkel, and Sara McLanahan
Child Support in the U.S.: Can Fathers Afford to Pay More?  (342Kb)
John Creedy
Lifetime Inequality and Tax Progressivity with Alternative Income Concepts  (199Kb)
Solomos Solomou and Martin Weale
Personal Sector Wealth in the United Kingdom, 1920-56  (355Kb)
Klass de Vos and M. Asghar Zaidi
Equivalence Scale Sensitivity of Poverty Statistics for the Member States of the European Community  (252Kb)
Rolf Aaberge and Xuezeng Li
The Trend in Urban Income Inequality in Two Chinese Provinces, 1986-90  (325Kb)
Erik Buyst
New GNP Estimates for the Belgian Economy during the Interwar Period  (304Kb)
Announcements  (341Kb)377
December 1997, Number 4
Arthur B. Kennickell and Martha Starr-McCluer
Household Savings and Portfolio Change: Evidence from the 1983-89 SCF Panel  (369Kb)
Michael C. Wolfson
Divergent Inequalities - Theory and Empirical Results  (387Kb)
Robert F. Schoeni
Private Interhousehold Transfers of Money and Time: New Empirical Evidence  (476Kb)
Joe Mattey and Thijs Ten Raa
Primary versus Secondary Production Techniques in U.S. Manufacturing  (309Kb)
Aldo Diaz and Tarek M. Harchaoui
Accounting for Exhaustible Resources in the Canadian System of the National Accounts: Flows, Stocks and Productivity Measures  (385Kb)
Ebsen Dalgaard
Implementing the Revised SNA - Recommendations on Price and Volume Measures  (348Kb)
Hans Werner Holub and Gottfried Tappeiner
Notes: Modeling on the Basis of Models  (111Kb)
Joseph Quinn
Review Article: Economic Implications of an Aging Society  (169Kb)
Announcements  (49Kb)521

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