Table of Contents - 1997, Series 43 |
March 1997, Number 1 |
Rob Alessie, Annamaria Lusardi, and Trea Aldershof Income and Wealth over the Life Cycle: Evidence from Panel Data (492Kb) | 1 |
Teresa Dabán, Rafael Doménech, and César Molinas International and Intertemporal Comparisons of Real Product in OECD Countries: A Growth Sensitive Analysis (302Kb) | 33 |
Robert J. Hill A Taxonomy of Multilateral Methods for Making International Comparisons of Price and Quantities (360Kb) | 49 |
Daniel B. Radner Noncash Income, Equivalence Scales, and the Measurement of Economic Well-Being (343Kb) | 71 |
Sofia Ahlroth, Anders Björkland, and Anders Forslund The Output of the Swedish Education Sector (285Kb) | 89 |
Panayiota Lyssiotou Comparison of Alternative Tax and Transfer Treatment of Children Using Adult Equivalence Scales (244Kb) | 105 |
Albert Berry Review Article: Poverty Policy in Latin America During the 1980s (229Kb) | 119 |
Announcement (13Kb) | 131 |
June 1997, Number 2 |
David Johnson and Stephanie Shipp Trends in Inequality Using Consumption-Expenditures: The U.S. from 1960 to 1993 (355Kb) | 133 |
Richard V. Burkhauser, Joachim R. Frick, and Johannes Schwarze A Comparison of Alternative Measures of Economic Well-Being for Germany and the United States (327Kb) | 153 |
Frits Bos Value and Income in the National Accounts and Economic Theory (293Kb) | 173 |
Donald Cox, Emmanuel Jimenez, and Wlodek Okrasa Family Safety Nets and Economic Transition: A Sturdy of Worker Households in Poland (321Kb) | 191 |
Björn Gustaffson and Li Shi Types of Income and Inequality in China at the End of the 1980s (263Kb) | 211 |
Allison Kelly-Hawke Sectoral Productivity Growth and Price-Marginal Cost Margins in the Intermediate Goods Market (188Kb) | 227 |
B. Essama-Nssah Impact Growth and Distribution on Poverty in Madagascar (237Kb) | 239 |
Garnett Picot Review Article: A Review of Job Creation and Destruction by S.J. Davis, J.C. Haltiwanger, and S. Schuh (128Kb) | 253 |
September 1997, Number 3 |
Cynthia Miller, Irwin Garfinkel, and Sara McLanahan Child Support in the U.S.: Can Fathers Afford to Pay More? (342Kb) | 261 |
John Creedy Lifetime Inequality and Tax Progressivity with Alternative Income Concepts (199Kb) | 283 |
Solomos Solomou and Martin Weale Personal Sector Wealth in the United Kingdom, 1920-56 (355Kb) | 297 |
Klass de Vos and M. Asghar Zaidi Equivalence Scale Sensitivity of Poverty Statistics for the Member States of the European Community (252Kb) | 319 |
Rolf Aaberge and Xuezeng Li The Trend in Urban Income Inequality in Two Chinese Provinces, 1986-90 (325Kb) | 335 |
Erik Buyst New GNP Estimates for the Belgian Economy during the Interwar Period (304Kb) | 357 |
Announcements (341Kb) | 377 |
December 1997, Number 4 |
Arthur B. Kennickell and Martha Starr-McCluer Household Savings and Portfolio Change: Evidence from the 1983-89 SCF Panel (369Kb) | 381 |
Michael C. Wolfson Divergent Inequalities - Theory and Empirical Results (387Kb) | 401 |
Robert F. Schoeni Private Interhousehold Transfers of Money and Time: New Empirical Evidence (476Kb) | 423 |
Joe Mattey and Thijs Ten Raa Primary versus Secondary Production Techniques in U.S. Manufacturing (309Kb) | 449 |
Aldo Diaz and Tarek M. Harchaoui Accounting for Exhaustible Resources in the Canadian System of the National Accounts: Flows, Stocks and Productivity Measures (385Kb) | 465 |
Ebsen Dalgaard Implementing the Revised SNA - Recommendations on Price and Volume Measures (348Kb) | 487 |
Hans Werner Holub and Gottfried Tappeiner Notes: Modeling on the Basis of Models (111Kb) | 505 |
Joseph Quinn Review Article: Economic Implications of an Aging Society (169Kb) | 511 |
Announcements (49Kb) | 521 |