Table of Contents - 1991, Series 37 |
March 1991, Number 1 |
Stein Ringen Households, Standard of Living, and Inequality (206Kb) | 1 |
Robert Eisner The Real Rate of U.S. National Saving (235Kb) | 15 |
F. Thomas Juster and Kathleen A. Kuester Differences in the Measurement of Wealth, Wealth Inequality and Wealth Composition Obtained from Alternative U.S. Wealth Surveys (441Kb) | 33 |
Peter Saunders, Helen Stott, and Gary Hobbes Income Inequality in Australia and New Zealand: International Comparisons and Recent Trends (308Kb) | 63 |
Michael C. Wolfson A System of Health Statistics: Toward a New Conceptual Framework For Integrating Health Data (402Kb) | 81 |
Announcements (56Kb) | 105 |
June 1991, Number 2 |
Peter Bartelmus, Carsten Stahmer, and Jan van Tongeren Integrated Environmental Economic Accounting; Framework for a SNA Satellite System (523Kb) | 111 |
John W. Kendrick Appraising the U.S. Output and Productivity Estimates for Government: Where Do We Go From Here? (155Kb) | 149 |
William M. Liefert Economic Rent and Estimation of Soviet GNP Growth (302Kb) | 159 |
Graham Pyatt SAMs, the SNA, and National Accounting Capabilities (340Kb) | 177 |
Holly Sutherland Constructing a Tax-Benefit Model: What Advice Can One Give (353Kb) | 199 |
Announcements (15Kb) | 220 |
James Whitworth and Derek Blades In Memoriam: Hugo Krijnse-Locker (1928-1990) (27Kb) | 221 |
September 1991, Number 3 |
Anne Harrison National Accounting and Income Distribution. (200Kb) | 223 |
Utz-Peter Reich Concept and Definition of Income in the National Accounts (219Kb) | 235 |
Denis Kessler and Edward N. Wolff A Comparative Analysis of Household Wealth Patterns in France and the United States (307Kb) | 249 |
Klaas de Vos and Thesia I. Garner An Evaluation of Subjective Poverty Definitions Comparing Results from the U.S. and the Netherlands (303Kb) | 267 |
James Stodder Equity-Efficiency Preferences in Poland and the Soviet Union: Rank-Reversals under the Atkinson Index (231Kb) | 287 |
Frank E. M. Ouddeken and Gerrit M. Zijlmans The Use of Tendency Surveys in Extrapolating National Accounts (172Kb) | 301 |
Shlomo Yitzhaki and Robert I. Lerman Income Inequality and Income Stratification (274Kb) | 313 |
Paul Bowles Review Article: Searching for the Ordinary Soviet (104Kb) | 331 |
Announcements (26Kb) | 337 |
December 1991, Number 4 |
Gyorgy Szilagyi In Memoriam: Laszlo Drechsler (1929-1990) (51Kb) | 341 |
Martin Ravallion, Gaurav Datt, and Dominique van de Walle Quantifying Absolute Poverty in the Developing World (311Kb) | 345 |
Daniel T. Slesnick The Standard of Living in the United States (364Kb) | 363 |
Barbara Wolfe and Robert Moffitt A New Index to Value In-Kind Benefits (330Kb) | 387 |
Robert B. Avery and Arthur B. Kennickell Household Saving in the U.S. (397Kb) | 409 |
Riccardo Fiorito Inventory Accounting and Profit Evaluation (180Kb) | 433 |
P. Ortega, G. Martin, A. Fernandez, M. Ladoux, and A. Garcia A New Functional Form for Estimating Lorenz Curves (87Kb) | 447 |
Peter Kooreman A Comment on Calculating Wealth from Income Flows (31Kb) | 453 |
Richard Ruggles Review of The Total Incomes System of Accounts by Robert Eisner: Review Article (101Kb) | 455 |
Sir Jack Hibbert and John Erritt In Memoriam—John Leonard Nicholson (1916-1990) (119Kb) | 461 |