The Review of Income and Wealth

Journal of the International Association
for Research in Income and Wealth
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Table of Contents - 1988, Series 34
March 1988, Number 1
Robert Summers and Alan Heston
A New Set of International Comparisons of Real Product and Prices; Estimates for 130 Countries, 1950-1985  (367Kb)
Jorge Salazar-Carillo and Irma Tirado De Alonso
Real Product and Price Comparisons Between Latin America and the Rest of the World  (253Kb)
Pieter G. Al and Cornelis A. Van Bocheve
A Synoptic Structure of the System of National Accounts  (377Kb)
Steven Keuning and Willlem De Ruijter
Guidelines for the Construction of a Social Accounting Matrix  (480Kb)
George Als
The Nightmare of Economic Accounts in a Small  Country with a Large International Banking Sector  (146Kb)
Announcement  (54Kb)111
June 1988, Number 2
Brigitte Buhman, Lee Rainwater, Guenther Schmaus, and Timothy M. Smeeding
Equivalence Scales, Well-Being, Inequality, and Poverty: Sensitivity Estimates, Across Ten Countries Using the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) Database  (468Kb)
Lars Osberg and Fazley Siddiq
The Inequality of Wealth in Britain's North American Colonies:  The Importance of the Relatively Poor  (361Kb)
Olle Krantz
New Estimates of Swedish Historical GDP since the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century  (285Kb)
Philippe Barthelemy
The Macroeconomic Estimates of the Hidden Economy: A Critical Analysis  (426Kb)
Thomas Klein
A Specification Separating Family Size and Individual Age Effects on Subjective Equivalence Scales--A Note  (158Kb)
September 1988, Number 3
Michael C. Wolfson
Homemaker Pensions and Lifetime Redistribution  (416Kb)
R. Van Eck and B. Kazemier
Features of the Hidden Economy in the Netherlands  (357Kb)
Hans Messinger, Frank Fedyk, and Allen Zeesman
The Size and Distribution of the Poverty Gap in Canada: A Micro Analysis of Variation Among Demographic Groups  (228Kb)
Adriaan M. Bloem
Micro-Macro Link for Government  (323Kb)
Harry H. Postner
Linkages between Macro and Micro Business  (379Kb)
Announcement: Request for Special Submissions  (14Kb)337
December 1988, Number 4
Robert B. Avery, Gregory E. Elliehausen, and Arthur B.  Kennickell
Measuring Wealth with Survey Data: An Evaluation of the 1983 Survey of Consumer Finances  (484Kb)
Hans J. Adler and Michael Wolfson
A Prototype Micro-Macro Link for the Canadian Household Sector  (309Kb)
Preetom S. Sunga
Conceptual Incongruity in the National Accounts  (266Kb)
Pierre Teillet
A Concept of Satellite Accounts in the Revised SNA  (431Kb)
Announcement  (68Kb)441

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