Table of Contents - 1988, Series 34 |
March 1988, Number 1 |
Robert Summers and Alan Heston A New Set of International Comparisons of Real Product and Prices; Estimates for 130 Countries, 1950-1985 (367Kb) | 1 |
Jorge Salazar-Carillo and Irma Tirado De Alonso Real Product and Price Comparisons Between Latin America and the Rest of the World (253Kb) | 27 |
Pieter G. Al and Cornelis A. Van Bocheve A Synoptic Structure of the System of National Accounts (377Kb) | 45 |
Steven Keuning and Willlem De Ruijter Guidelines for the Construction of a Social Accounting Matrix (480Kb) | 71 |
George Als The Nightmare of Economic Accounts in a Small Country with a Large International Banking Sector (146Kb) | 101 |
Announcement (54Kb) | 111 |
June 1988, Number 2 |
Brigitte Buhman, Lee Rainwater, Guenther Schmaus, and Timothy M. Smeeding Equivalence Scales, Well-Being, Inequality, and Poverty: Sensitivity Estimates, Across Ten Countries Using the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) Database (468Kb) | 115 |
Lars Osberg and Fazley Siddiq The Inequality of Wealth in Britain's North American Colonies: The Importance of the Relatively Poor (361Kb) | 143 |
Olle Krantz New Estimates of Swedish Historical GDP since the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century (285Kb) | 165 |
Philippe Barthelemy The Macroeconomic Estimates of the Hidden Economy: A Critical Analysis (426Kb) | 183 |
Thomas Klein A Specification Separating Family Size and Individual Age Effects on Subjective Equivalence Scales--A Note (158Kb) | 209 |
September 1988, Number 3 |
Michael C. Wolfson Homemaker Pensions and Lifetime Redistribution (416Kb) | 221 |
R. Van Eck and B. Kazemier Features of the Hidden Economy in the Netherlands (357Kb) | 251 |
Hans Messinger, Frank Fedyk, and Allen Zeesman The Size and Distribution of the Poverty Gap in Canada: A Micro Analysis of Variation Among Demographic Groups (228Kb) | 275 |
Adriaan M. Bloem Micro-Macro Link for Government (323Kb) | 289 |
Harry H. Postner Linkages between Macro and Micro Business (379Kb) | 313 |
Announcement: Request for Special Submissions (14Kb) | 337 |
December 1988, Number 4 |
Robert B. Avery, Gregory E. Elliehausen, and Arthur B. Kennickell Measuring Wealth with Survey Data: An Evaluation of the 1983 Survey of Consumer Finances (484Kb) | 339 |
Hans J. Adler and Michael Wolfson A Prototype Micro-Macro Link for the Canadian Household Sector (309Kb) | 371 |
Preetom S. Sunga Conceptual Incongruity in the National Accounts (266Kb) | 393 |
Pierre Teillet A Concept of Satellite Accounts in the Revised SNA (431Kb) | 411 |
Announcement (68Kb) | 441 |
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