The Review of Income and Wealth

Journal of the International Association
for Research in Income and Wealth
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Table of Contents - 1983, Series 29
Christiaan Grootaert
Conceptual Basis of Measures of Household Welfare and their Implied Survey Data Requirements  (351Kb)
Daphne Greenwood
Estimation of U.S. Family Wealth and its Distribution from Microdata, 1973  (303Kb)
Robert Lampman and Timothy M. Smeeding
Interfamily Transfers as Alternatives to Government Transfers to Persons  (396Kb)
S. B. Algera, P. A. H. M. Mantelaers, and H. K. van Tuinen
Compilation of Input-Output Tables in the Netherlands  (311Kb)
Rene Bertrand
Notes: Possible Social Policy Developments and Corresponding Statistical Requirements  (79Kb)
Announcement: Eighteenth General Conference of the I.A.R.I.W.: Tentative Program  (66Kb)95
Guy Pfeffermann and Richard Webb
Poverty and Income Distribution in Brazil  (404Kb)
Edward N. Wolff
Size Distribution of Household Disposable Wealth in the United States  (401Kb)
Marianne A. Ferber and Carole A. Greene
Housework vs. Marketwork: Some Evidence How the Decision is Made  (198Kb)
Gail Oja
Distribution of Wealth in Canada  (234Kb)
France St-Hilaire and John Whalley
Microconsistent Equilibrium Data Set for Canada for Use in Tax Policy Analysis  (438Kb)
H. A. Fell and C. C. Greenfield
Note on Measuring Economic Growth  (54Kb)
Peter Praet
Note on the Inflation-Induced Wealth Tax in Belgium  (96Kb)
Note: Errata: van Praag, Hagenaars and van Weeren  (10Kb)215
Albert Berry, F. Bouguignon, and C. Morrisson
Level of World Inequality: How Much Can One Say?  (464Kb)
A. T. Dunn and P. D. R. B. Hoffman
Distribution of Wealth in the United Kingdom: Effect of Including Pension Rights and Analysis by Age Group  (482Kb)
Edward M. Miller
Capital Aggregation in the Presence of Obsolescence-Inducing Technical Change  (263Kb)
T. K. Rymes
More on the Measurement of Total Factor Productivity  (376Kb)
Hans Werner Holub
Notes: Some Critical Reflections on Measures of Net Economic Welfare  (80Kb)
Harry Schimmler
Notes: Some Conceptual Dilemmas in the Use of Present National Accounts  (174Kb)
S. Berger
Notes: Dividing Government Product between Intermediate and Final Uses: A Comment  (42Kb)
U.-P. Reich
Notes: Reply to S. Berger  (39Kb)
Announcement: I.A.R.I.W./U.N.E.C.A. Conference Regionale Africaine: compte rendu d'ensemble  (83Kb)337
Announcement: I.A.R.I.W. Financial Report, 1982  (17Kb)343
Announcement: Publication of 17th General Conference Input-Output Papers  (20Kb)345
Andre Babeau
Macro-Economic Wealth-lncome Ratio of Households  (336Kb)
Nancy D. Ruggles and Richard Ruggles
Treatment of Pensions and Insurance in National Accounts  (470Kb)
Arnold J. Katz
Valuing the Services of Consumer Durables  (401Kb)
Jacques Charmes
Comment Mesurer la Contribution du Secteur non Structure a la Production Nationale dans les Pays du Tiers Monde?  (298Kb)
D. S. Prasada Rao and W. F. Shepherd
Comparison of Pound Sterling-Australian Dollar Purchasing Power Parities for Selected Population Sub-Groups in Australia and the United Kingdom  (184Kb)
Announcement: Nineteenth General Conference of the I.A.R.I.W.  (18Kb)457

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