Income and Wealth, Series III - 1953

Publication of the International Association
for Research in Income and Wealth

Edited by: Milton Gilbert
Table of Contents
Milton Gilbert
Preface  (42Kb)
Analytical Table of Contents  (74Kb)
Milton Gilbert
Statistical Sources and Methods in National Accounts Estimates and the Problem of Reliability  (601Kb)
Shigeto Tsuru and Kazushr Ohkawa
Long-Term Changes in the National Income of Japan since 1878  (784Kb)
par des membres de 1'Institut de Science Economique Applique
La Croissance Economique Fran‡aise  (1257Kb)
Richard Stone and Kurt Hansen
Inter-Country Comparisons of National Accounts and the Work of the National Accounts Research Unit of the Organization for European Economic Co-operation  (1271Kb)
Tibor Barna
International Comparisons of National Accounts in Economic Analysis  (457Kb)
S. Herbert Frankel
Concepts of Income and Welfare in Advanced and Under-developed Societies with Special Reference to the Intercomparability of National Income Estimates  (438Kb)
Frederic Benham
Income and Product in Under-developed Countries. Comments on the Paper by Professor Frankel  (307Kb)
V.K.R.V. Rao
Some Reflections on the Comparability of Real National Income of Industrialized and Under-developed Countries  (1056Kb)
Damel Creamer
Uses of National Income Estimates in Under-developed Areas  (411Kb)
Ingvar Ohuson
Treatment of Government Economic Activity in the National Accounts  (1125Kb)
List of Papers presented at the Second Conference of the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth  (53Kb)

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