Journal of the International Association
Aims & Scope: The major objectives of The Review of Income and Wealth are the furthering of research on national and economic and social accounting, including the development of concepts and definitions for the measurement and analysis of income and wealth, the development and further integration of systems of economic and social statistics, and related problems of statistical methodology. In particular, the Review is concerned with the international aspects of these questions, such as: international comparisons of income and wealth, the use of economic and social accounting for budgeting and policy analysis in different countries, and the experiences of different countries in the development of economic and social accounting systems. |
1951-1965 | |||||
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All issues are accessable by the year of publication / series number: |
1966 / 12 | 1967 / 13 | 1968 / 14 | 1969 / 15 | 1970 / 16 | |
1971 / 17 | 1972 / 18 | 1973 / 19 | 1974 / 20 | 1975 / 21 | |
1976 / 22 | 1977 / 23 | 1978 / 24 | 1979 / 25 | 1980 / 26 | |
1981 / 27 | 1982 / 28 | 1983 / 29 | 1984 / 30 | 1985 / 31 | |
1986 / 32 | 1987 / 33 | 1988 / 34 | 1989 / 35 | 1990 / 36 | |
1991 / 37 | 1992 / 38 | 1993 / 39 | 1994 / 40 | 1995 / 41 | |
1996 / 42 | 1997 / 43 | 1998 / 44 | 1999 / 45 | 2000 / 46 | |
2001 / 47 | 2002 / 48 | 2003 / 49 | 2004 / 50 | 2005 / 51 | |
2006 / 52 | 2007 / 53 | 2008 / 54 | 2009 / 55 | 2010 / 56 | |
2011 / 57 | 2012 / 58 | 2013 / 59 | 2014 / 60 | 2014 / S1 | |
2015 / 61 | 2016 / 62 | 2017 / 63 | 2018 / 64 | 2019 / 65 | |
2020 / 66 |
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Note:This online version of the journal provides full access to all full text articles from 1966 to 2016. Articles are available in Adobe Acrobat portable document format (PDF) . To avoid problems when accessing the articles, please make sure that you have Acrobat Reader version 6.0 or higher installed on your computer. Please report any problems to You can download the most recent version of the Adobe Acrobat Reader here: |
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