Income Redistribution and the Statistical Foundations of Economic Policy. Income and Wealth, Series X - 1964

Publication of the International Association
for Research in Income and Wealth

Edited by: Colin Clark and Geer Stuvel
Table of Contents
Preface  (39Kb)
Analytical Table of Contents  (79Kb)
Michael Bruno
The Use of National Accounting Frameworks for Economic Policy and Development Forecasting: A Survey of Israel's Research Experience 1958-61  (624Kb)
Pex Sevaldson
An Inter-industry Model of Production and Consumption for Economic Planning in Norway  (761Kb)
K. Ohkawa
The Use of National Income Accounts for Longrange Planning in Japan  (563Kb)
Jacques Mayer
L'Utilisation des Comptes National pour la Politique Economique et Les ModŠles en France  (671Kb)
C.A. Van Den Beld
National Accounting and Economic Policy Decisions (with special reference to the Netherlands)  (245Kb)
Colin Clark and G.H. Peters
Income Redistribution through Taxation and Social Services: Some International Comparisons  (577Kb)
J.L. Nicholson
Redistribution of Income in the United Kingdom in 1959, 1957 and 1953  (1608Kb)
R.A. Musgrave
Estimating the Distribution of the Tax Burden  (941Kb)
G. Goseke
The Effects of Redistribution on Size Distribution of Personal Income and Household Net Income in Germany in 1955 and 1959  (670Kb)
Selma F. Goldsmith
Impact of the Income Tax on Socio-economic Groupsof Families in the United States  (986Kb)
Weld Bjerke
Redistribution of Income in Denmark Before and After the War  (688Kb)
V.K.R.V. Rao
Redistribution of Income and Economic Growth in Underdeveloped Countries  (818Kb)
Odd Aukrust
Redistribution of Incomes in Norway  (86Kb)
National Accounting Practice in the German Federal Republic: A Summary  (282Kb)
List of Papers presented at the Seventh General Conference of the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth  (45Kb)
Authors' Index to Income and Wealth, Series I-X  (122Kb)

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