Income and Wealth, Series IV - 1955

Publication of the International Association
for Research in Income and Wealth

Edited by: Milton Gilbert and Richard Stone
Table of Contents
Preface  (51Kb)
Analytical Table of Contents  (78Kb)
Ragnar Frisch
From National Accounts to Macro-economic Decision Models  (767Kb)
Richard Stone
Model Building and the Social Accounts: A Survey  (1557Kb)
D.B.J. Schouten and I. Lips
National Accounts and Policy Models  (591Kb)
Milton Gilbert and Irving B. Kravis
Empirical Problems in International Comparisons of National Product  (594Kb)
Deborah Paige and S. Adler
International Comparisons of National Product: An Approach by Industry of Origin  (802Kb)
R.L. Nicholson
Some Problems in the Measurement of Real National Income  (728Kb)
Jan Marczewski
Le R“le des Comptes Nationaux dans les Economies Planifi‚es de type Sovi‚tique  (2207Kb)
E.F. Jackson
Social Accounting in Eastern Europe  (648Kb)
G. Stuvel
The Use of National Accounts in Economic Analysis  (1564Kb)
Raymond W. Goldsmith
The National Balance Sheet of the United States of America 1900-1949  (1947Kb)
List of Papers presented at the Third Conference of the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth  (62Kb)

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